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person_profile-Nikhil Dwivedi

Nikhil Dwivedi Age: 43

Actor | Producer

Date of Birth:

Aug 15, 1981

Country of birth:


Biography of

Nikhil Dwivedi

    Nikhil Dwivedi is a Hindi film actor. A protege of Salman Khan, Dwivedi worked as a film executive at Videocon before appearing in My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves, followed by Khallbali: Fun Unlimited, More recently he has starred in Raavan, and is working on a remake of Arjun.

Photos of

Nikhil Dwivedi

Photos ( 1 Photos

Filmography of

Nikhil Dwivedi

Found 0 Movies in total

Scam 1992 - The Harshad Mehta Story

Tyagi (Citibank Head) ( Actor )

... 2020