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person_profile-Andreas Kleinert

Andreas Kleinert Age: 63

Actor | Producer

Date of Birth:

Jan 01, 1962

Country of birth:


Biography of

Andreas Kleinert

    Andreas Kleinert was born in 1962 in Berlin. He worked as a props assistant and intern at the DEFA feature film studios and was an assistant director to filmmakers like Rainer Simon and Hermann Zschoche. He studied Directing at the \"Konrad Wolf\" University of Film & Television in Babelsberg from 1984-1989 and graduated with Farewell, Joseph (Lebewohl, Joseph, 1989), which was nominated for a Student Oscar. A selection of his other award-winning films includes: Lost Landscape (Verlorene Landschaft, 1992), Outside Time (Neben der Zeit, 1995), In the Name of Innocence (Im Namen der Unschuld, 1997), Paths in the Night (Wege in die Nacht, 1999), Ich moechte Zeugnis ablegen bis zum Letzten (TV, 1999), Kelly Bastian - Geschichte einer Hoffnung (TV, 2001), Coming Home (Mein Vater, TV, 2003), Stranger (Der Fremde kam, TV, 2005), Hurenkinder (TV, 2006), Head Under Water (Freischwimmer (2007), Haus und Kind (2008), and Boundaries (Barriere, 2010).

Filmography of

Andreas Kleinert

Found 0 Movies in total

... 1970 - 2023