The show revolves around some social problems through the employee Abdul Hamid, whose feelings of happiness and anxiety are mixed when a young man proposes to marry his daughter. In his journey to afford the expenses of his daughter's marriage and taking care of his family, we go through the traditional problems of the Egyptian families nowadays and social differences.
Average Episode Run Time:
42` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
2017 - 2022
Wanees and Maysa are proud parents who want what's best for their four children. They teach them what's right and wrong, and discover that they are also learning new things.
Average Episode Run Time:
30` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
1994 - 2010
Fed up with his wife’s distancing from him, Hadi goes on a business trip to Turkey where he meets a special woman, an encounter that changes his life forever.
Average Episode Run Time:
51` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
2021 - 2023
Saber Al Maddah is a devout and lovable man. Al-Shaytan was able to get him because of the one whose heart was attached to her love, so he killed the closest people to her, and his life was turned upside down.
Average Episode Run Time:
29` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
2021 - 2023
When a famous fashion designer and her gardener’s daughter fall for the same man, the struggle between them soon turns into an all-out war where only one can prevail.
Average Episode Run Time:
32` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
As a last resort to afford her son’s cancer treatment, a widowed mother asks her manager for money, but the latter poses one condition: she must spend the night with him.
Average Episode Run Time:
27` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
The work revolves around seven sisters of each independent personality and different attributes, 5 Sisters from a mother who already died, two from another mother.
Average Episode Run Time:
33` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
Amer impersonates an educational doctor to enter the Vision School and work there after he plans this with his friend Lotfi, the secretary of the school manager, Zahra. While he succeeds in gaining the trust and love of the people around him, he hides something from everyone
Average Episode Run Time:
40` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
When a corpse drops from the top floor during a grand party, officer Rami questions all witnesses to find the murderer but uncovers a past filled with betrayal.
Average Episode Run Time:
44` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
2022 - 2023
After fleeing the war in her country, Syria, Mariam finds herself stranded in Beirut. Alone and with no identity documents, she must find ways to survive in an unknown city.
Average Episode Run Time:
43` . MMPA:
. Year(s):
As Faten, a woman who works at the real estate registry, decides to ask for a divorce from her husband Seif, she finds herself facing many hardships and obstacles; raising two daughters on her own and finding out that the odds are stacked against her when it comes to the law.
Average Episode Run Time:
40` . MMPA:
. Year(s):